Portalcheck electoral disinformation module is a project developed by UNESCO, the Center for Electoral Promotion and Assistance (CAPEL), a specialised program of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights (IIHR), Chequeado – LatamChequea, an alliance of more than 35 fact-checking organisations in Latin America and the Carribbean to support counter election-related mis/disinformation in the region.
Watch this video for more information:
The LatamChequea network is coordinated by Chequeado and includes:
- Salud con Lupa, Brasil
- Aos Fatos, Brasil
- Estadao Verifica, Brasil
- Lupa, Brasil
- Bolivia Verifica, Bolivia
- Mala Espina Check, Chile
- La Silla Vacía, Colombia
- ColombiaCheck, Colombia
- #NoComaCuento (La Nación), Costa Rica
- La Voz de Guanacaste, Costa Rica
- Periodismo de Barrio, Cuba
- El Toque, Cuba
- Ecuador Chequea, Ecuador
- GK, Ecuador
- EFE Verifica, España
- Maldita, España
- Newtral, España
- Agencia Ocote, Guatemala
- Animal Político, México
- Spondeo Media, México

2022, ElectoralCheck. All rights reserved. UNESCO Montevideo.